Java the Hut


The Latest Juice | Appetizers | Trademark Recipe | Dessert | @bout The Site


^^*()*I^^     ()cean Floor gems     ^^*()*I^^
                                            Some rare cuts of Audio Adrenaline Live

                                   **MORE COMING SOON**


You want a place where you can send a shout out, without a doubt, to all the many Audio Adrenaline fans around the world? Well you can my hip hip friend! Just click on the photo above with that sexy stunning man (me) in it serving the coffee that is going to put Starbucks out of business one day.......ok, ok, I can dream! Along with talking to other Audio Adrenaline fans, like yourself, you can also talk about other christian bands, life in general, random topics, and go one on one with me (Smooth Steve) at trying to out wit me, giving me a question about christian music I cant answer, or anything else that you desire to ask me...............but beware, you are dealing with one hip cat! So go there and join and become part of  Java the Hut.


*****NEW***** : I bet ya didnt know that I also do a radio talk show for the Audio Adrenaline created radio station K- Jazz. So head on over and check it out, your gonna love it......well.......ya better!


I know all you guitar players out there are dying to learn the chords to the A boys songs, well wait no longer! Click on the pic of Will jamming on his gee tar above to head to the chord section and learn the songs that made them a hit with us here at Java the Hut and worldwide, no pun intended ;)




Hardcore @udio @ddict Advanced

Think you know everything there is to know about Audio adrenaline? Well try your knowledge out at the begginers quiz above. But if you score good on it, dont get cocky............part 2,3, and 4 are coming soon so be studying up kiddo!


Audio Adrenaline VS. Audio Adrenaline.......say what? Well, if your wondering...................go check it out!


                      Java the Hut avators and banners
The site only has 1 avator and banner right now but more are coming soon. Please use them to promote the site, get the word out about the site!! **IMPORTANT: Remember to NOT copy and paste the pics but save them on to your computer and use them. They will be taken down if I find this happening.**

